Saturday, September 25, 2010

Duty Free Weekend!

 Chris finally has a duty free weekend this weekend! So exciting. It's so nice to be able to sleep in and not have to take him to work at 5 in the morning on a Saturday or a Sunday! 

Last night we went over to Kayla and Ryan's house and played beer pong and beer ping. Then we went over to Raven and Vdub's house and played more beer pong. I was Chris's DD so I didn't drink, just watched him get more and more trashed as the night went on! Lol, it was pretty fun though! I had to call Michelle to help me get him woke up because he slept for 30 minutes in the truck before I could even get him to open his eyes! Lol! I got the call that my rings were back yesterday! So exciting! They are soldered together now and super shiny! Just like when I first got them! 

Tonight me and Chris are going to dinner at Adam and Antonio's house. I have to make mashed potatoes. We're doing a pot luck kind of thing. After dinner it's going to be time to nertz it up! I can't wait! I haven't played nertz in a 
while, it's so addicting! We play for hours every time we play. Ok, well I just wanted to catch everyone up on our weekend.. 

I really need to get Cricket a hair cut, but I also really need someone to give me a million dollars to do a lot of things! Looks like her hair cut will be waiting! She needs another shot this coming check but then she's all finished up with her shots and I can definitely afford her hair cut! :) 

Have a good weekend everyone! Peace! <3

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I have to ask... What the heck is Nertz? Never heard of it in my life! lol
